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There’s just never enough time …. we had to say good-bye

I knew that someday I would have to write this blog, but I kept hoping “not yet.”

In May when we left for our 2 week vacation in Ireland, I thought, “not yet.”  Murphy was doing well and my son came to stay at our house with the dogs.  I was so afraid that something would happen and he would have to make a decision while we were gone, and that’s a lot for him to have to do.  Cassie had just recently been diagnosed with bulging discs in her back, so there’s that to deal with, too.  Luckily we were able to check in with him through Facebook every day and we were able to make sure everyone was fine.

When we came home we almost immediately turned around (about 12 hours later!) to leave again to head down to Virginia and the Pawty of the year!  Murphy felt sort of “boney” to me in his back & hips, but I know that he didn’t always eat very well for my son (he can be a bit stubborn like that).  But other than that, he seemed good!  I really wanted to take Murphy with us, but my husband was concerned that 9 hours in the car would be too much.  I’m sure he was right lol.  As most everyone has already posted, the Tripawds party was incredible!  Spending time with my twin (Paula) as well as Michelle & Linda that we met last fall in Chicago and then getting to meet everyone else – Karma & the girls, Lisa, Clare, Tina, Alison & Jasper, THE Sally, Samantha, Jim,  Rene & Wyatt, Amy Jo,  Elizabeth…oh my gosh, I’m drawing a blank on names!  I’m sorry, I’m forgetting people!  Dominoe’s mom was there, Isa’s mom,  the greyhounds (2 different families)…. Just hanging out and visiting like old friends <3

So on Memorial Day we got home in the evening Murphy threw up a little bit.  He seemed ok, and he ate well about an hour later.  A couple of days later he had some loose stool, but was still acting ok.  He had an appointment with his chiropractor and his weight was the same, but she also mentioned that she felt he had some muscle wasting.  Every day Murphy ate a full can of food, he had a great appetite!  He was alert, happy, greeting us at the door like normal.  About a week later he had more loose stool, so I decided to feed him boiled chicken and rice.  In the morning he threw that up.  So I added a Zantac – maybe he just had an upset tummy?  He still had a great appetite, but I did notice that when he greeted us at the door, he was a little slower and didn’t bark, he just leaned into me.  We kept an eye on him all weekend and noticed that he was moving slow, not wanting to get up, and he didn’t pee all day Sunday.  I also felt that his belly seemed a little bit distended.

On Monday we took him in to the vet to see what might be going on.  After an exam, blood work and x-rays she found that he had a large mass in his spleen – a hemangiosarcoma, that fluid was building up in his abdomen and that his red blood cell count was low – indicating that it was already bleeding.  She did say that his lungs were still clear.  He still beat histiocytic sarcoma!!  4 years, 2 months & 1 week (prognosis: 12-18 months)  So yes, we were lucky enough to get so much more time than what was expected, but it’s never enough, is it?

That evening we took Cassie & Max and we all said good-bye to our Cancer Warrior.  He passed quietly in our arms.  Sweet Murphy beat one cancer, only to fall prey to a different one.            





Thank you to everyone who’s been there for us!  Words really are not enough to say how I feel.  This really is more than “just a support group.”  It’s so hard to describe to people what Tripawds is … the Tripawds Nation is a family and I love you all.

Donna & Glenn


~ by midnighter94 on June 15, 2017 .

14 Responses to “There’s just never enough time …. we had to say good-bye”

  1.   LauraD Says:

    Oh I’m so, so sorry. It’s so hard when it’s in the abdomen and not the lungs (where you’re looking for it). Over four years of life – amazing! I’m so glad you had that. Hoping you’re doing alright.

  2.   linda8115 Says:

    Oh Donna & Glenn. Just as the day this all unfolded I’m still heartbroken and bawling like a baby. Your sweet Murphy touched my heart that day I was fortunate enough to meet him and remains there still forever! Always “smiling” and getting such joy out of life! Murphy was truly a “miracle” boy! He overcame all the odds and gave so many people hope just starting out on this journey! Thank you for sharing your most special boy with us and allowing us to feel like he belonged just a little bit to us too! You and Glenn are the most awesome doggie Mom & Dad that Murphy could’ve had. He was meant to be yours and you were meant to be his! I’m sure that lone Cardinal I saw the day after he passed was Murphy trying out his new Angel wings. Murphy I’ll be looking you up when I get to heaven and finish greeting my “boys” up there. Hope you’ll remember me. I’ll bring pizza! All my love to you Donna & Glenn and your family both human and furfaces!
    Linda & Spirit Mighty Max

  3.   teri Says:

    I’m so, so sorry. It’s never enough time and saying goodbye is hell on earth.
    We’re here for you, holding you in our hearts and thoughts.

    Teri and Roxy and Angel Isa

  4.   Michelle Says:

    Never enough time. I am so glad I got to meet Murphy last September. Such a sweet sweet boy. He took everything in like it was normal to have all these people walking in the door and saying “Hey Murphy” . He will be greatly missed for sure. 4 years amazing Warrior. You won the war that is for sure. 🙂 Dang crappy disease decided to change the rules though 🙁

    You are a true hero Murphy. Run Free until you are met at the Rainbow Bridge

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  5.   mom2shelby Says:

    It is never enough time … I am crying again (as I was when I first learned this horrible news). I am beyond honored I got to meet you both in Virginia. I am honored that I got to hug you before you left and I hope you can feel those hugs today as I send them your way.

    Murphy will always be a hero in my mind … he was always there. For us, from day one. I fell in love. And your strength – I long to posses a strength like yours. You both are amazing!!!

    I am so sorry that horrible hemangio took our warrior but his send off was with dignity, grace and love!

    Sending you more love and peace …
    Alison with Spirit Shelby in her heart (and little Jasper too)

  6.   elizabeth Says:

    Oh my goodness, tears in my eyes too. I wish I could say I don’t know what you’re going through. My Jake beat one cancer only to be taken by hemangiosarcoma in the spleen also. This just breaks my heart. Murphy has been a hero dog to all of us and always will be! We will never ever forget him!!! HUGS to both of you and the rest of your pack.

  7.   otisandtess Says:

    Noooo. This is just heartbreaking. Murphy was one of our miracle dogs. I remember meeting him in Chicago last summer. I am so so sorry to hear this news.

  8.   Purrkins Says:

    Oh No Donna,
    We are so sorry to read this!! Murphy was a true warrior & will always be!
    I love that he beat the odds ! 4 years and 11 years old!
    Murphy did more then beat the odds! ! Stupid disease transforming!
    So glad you were able to give Murphy a peaceful transition!
    Run Free Murphy show your Mom & Dad some signs your running free ok!
    My heart hurts for you!!
    We are thinking of you & sending huge hugs!
    Holly & Purrkins❤️

  9.   mysweetted Says:

    Donna and Glenn,

    I’m so sorry for both of you as well as your family. It was so nice to meet you over the Memorial Day weekend and also talk with you about Murphy and what a warrior he was and a role model for all of us to hang on to hope. You’ve been so supportive of me and the rest of the members here – I hope we can all support you during your time of grief. Hugs to both of you.

  10.   jerry Says:

    Hey you two….first let me say that I am SO sorry. When I got the news I wanted to go yell and cry because it just isn’t fair darnit. Murphy beat that one cancer and then this? What the heck?

    But OK, for his spirit’s sake and in honor of all who have gone before him, I composed myself and took their lead….embrace the fact that Murphy DID beat the histio and he DID ROCK on three legs while impressing the heck out of everyone who met him. And YOU Donna and Glenn, you were also champions yourselves through it all. You were MORE DOG and you showed us how important it is to advocate and celebrate in the face of cancer.

    Now THAT is something that makes my heart happy through the sadness of losing your amazing and wonderful Tripawd hero. We will miss him dearly but are so honored that we could be a part of your journey.

    In honor of Murphy and your pack, we raise a glass and say “Hop On!” Your boy will never, ever be forgotten and always cherished among us.


  11.   dobemom Says:

    Oh, Donna, what to say…..I only pray that I can follow your lead when I’m faced with this inevitable part of life.. I’m sure you were dying inside, but faced this final journey with strenght and calm so you could give Warrior Murphy his dignity at the end, and on his terms. Murphy has been a mentor of sorts to Nitro…you made our journey easier as we had the both of you to show us how it’s done. I’m feeling more than a little lost that we now have to forge ahead without him to show us the way. But I also know he is not really gone, and will always be with us in spirit. He was a special dog, that had speicial, amazing pawrents. Wishing you and your pack peace in the days ahead. Hugs!

    Paula and Nitro

  12.   otisgreatdane Says:

    I am so sorry to hear about Murphy. It has been a tough week around here :”;

  13.   benny55 Says:

    I thought because I had a little “warning” from fb, I would be able to handle this with less tears when you posted here. Nope, didn’t happen. Tears flowing again.

    Others have spoken so well and so eloquently. The theme that shows up over and over is, not only how Murphy lived his life to the fullest for FOUR YEARS, but how he crossed over with such love, such grace, surrounded by his family. His family was by his side, just like they had been everyday of this journey. Murphy was still relishing his ear scratches and still soaking up all the calming comfort of having you by his side.

    As Jerry said, for his Spirit’s sake, we must move away from our human grief and move towards celebrating the life of our HERO, our ROCK STAR, our BEACON OF HOPE, our ETERNAL INSPIRATION for anyone starting this journey! Murphy WILL (and already has), saved lives and, becauxe of Murphy, other dogs now have a chance of extended quality time for loving and spoiling and ear scratches! Their humans carry the hope with them that their dog can be the next Murphy!

    We don’t get to say this very often: MURPHY BEAT THE S**T OUT OF THIS PIECE OF S**T DISEASE!! OHHH HES HE DID!!!!

    I cannot even imagine the lives Murphy has touched, and will continue to touch! His legacy is well entrenched in TRIPAWDS and well entrenched in the clinic who honored him recently for SURVIVING this !!! It’s so WONDERFUL to know he got the recognition that he did in soooo. many different areas of his life!:-) 🙂

    One of my “stand-out moments” at the pawty was getting to hug Murphy’s Mom and Dad!!! TRULY!! IT REALLY WAS!! And because younhad that GREAT tee shirt on with Murphy’s HAPPY photo…I felt like I was hugging Murphy too!! I REALLY DID! I think I may have even said thst. It REALLY did feel like he was with us!! And you can bet he was the topic of mzny a conversation I had with some of the newbies who showed up. Each of them walked away with more hope in their hearts than they came with because of MURPHY!!

    And Murphy brought you to us because he not only knew you would carry on his legacy, but he knew you would help soooo many time after time after time with your INVALUABLE knowledge that nursing brought to the site. The reassurances you have given to people is sooooo helpful! I can’t remember how many times I would reply, ” Nurse Donna, Murphy’s Mom, will chime in and give you some insight!”

    Make noooo mistake about it, MURPHY WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER BE FORGOTTEN!!! The Soul of that dog came here with a mission and he chose you znd Glenn to help him carry it out. His legacy will continue on here through you, through us all.

    I know Murphy is very, very busy at the Bridge right now, as he has a lot of newcomers who have joined him. I can’t even vegin the imagine the festive nature of all the welcoming pawties they are hsving non stop! I’m sure a lot of dogs are saying, “OMD!! YOU’RE MURPHY!!! I got extended quality time because of YOU! WOW!! You’re my hero and I’m here with you! 🙂 🙂 This Bridge is a great place!”

    Murphy, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for the privilege of being on this journey with you. I thank you for all the smiles and all the victories you let us celebrate with you! I thank you for being you!

    From my heart

    Sally and My Chunky Spiritual Being Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too

  14.   hester Says:

    I am sorry to have taken a while to post here – I was trying to compose myself. I want to say thank you, Murphy, for your courageous example and that smile that helped all of us making the amp decision feel like it would be okay. And thank you, Donna, and Glenn, too, for supporting this community and sharing the Magnificent Murphy with us. He could have had no greater ally than he had with the two of you and no better home as a quad dog or the Tripawd Warrior he became.

    Wishing him the sweetest dreams. Wishing his family comfort adjusting to the loss of a wonderful dog.


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