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Another Anniversary Goes By

Facebook Memories are so great for reminding us, whether we need it to or not, about all the special dates in our past.  April 4th is one of those dates.  The day Murphy became a Tripawd in 2013.  The day that changed our lives.  I think I had been on the Tripawds site a little bit, looking around at the forums, gathering some basic information so that we were a little bit prepared.  But really, nothing prepares you for that huge incision, or for how your dog greets your when you pick them up.  I had taken my son with me because I wasn’t sure how I would get Murphy home – it was a 1.5 hour drive and I was a little worried about getting him in my car and then the drive.  But I should have known that my stubborn dog was so ready to get out of there!  lol He hopped his way out to my car and barely needed help hopping up!  Even 9 years later it amazes me.  He rested all the way home, then met with his best buddies to go outside.  That night he wanted nothing to do with sleeping in the family room (I had everything set to sleep out there with him & keep a close eye on him) – he kept trying to leave the room & wouldn’t settle until I moved the gate and he hopped down the hallway to the bedroom – then he plopped down with a big sigh and went to sleep.  Just like everyone else those first 2 weeks were a roller coaster of emotions, but then things evened out.  Over the next 4+ years Murphy showed us what a true warrior was.  He handled everything in stride – vet visits, chemo, lab draws, x-rays, ultrasounds, rehab and more.  There were several times that I thought, “oh no, this is it! the cancer has spread” but it would be a muscle strain and medications and massage would help. He helped to raise awareness of canine cancer and he also raised money by walking several times – for American Cancer Society’s Bark for Life (X2) and PuppyUp in Chicago.  In Chicago we were finally able to meet some of the most amazing people that we had been “talking” to here, on Tripawds.  It was fabulous!!!  That was the start of our group <3 Even though Murphy has been gone now for almost 5 years, we still miss him, and we still talk about him.  My son actually called Cooper “Murphy” just last night.  There are many times that Cooper does things that remind us of him, whether it’s laying in one of his favorite places or just looking at us like he knows something.  We’ve also added another baby to our family – a Goldendoodle named Abby.  She’s been keeping us on our toes!  lol Max is almost 11, which is how old Murphy was when we lost him (and also a previous dog we had some years ago), so of course we worry about him getting older.

So, just remember our Murphy, and being thankful for our wonderful friends (who are like family), and thankful for this place <3

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Our World Has Changed So Much

April 4, 2013 is the day our world changed.  It’s the day Murphy lost his leg and we started learning what life was like with a Tripawd.    Over the next 4+ years Murphy taught us all so much about resilience, determination and living life one day at a time.  He never let it get him down, he loved everyone he met, and he was a wonderful ambassador.  When he ran the fence and face-planted, he just got up and kept running.  He proved “them” wrong when they said he’d only make it 12-18 months – he just kept going!  We didn’t do anything special – yes, he got chemo; yes, he switched to a grain-free diet; but we didn’t go raw, we didn’t do any supplements, we didn’t do any of those other things I’ve seen people do for their pets in similar situations.  Why were we so lucky?  I don’t know.

So now our world has changed again.  Social distancing, working from home, people are wearing masks, children are home from school and everyone is afraid.  Today while I have Murphy on my mind, I saw a beautiful bright red cardinal land on our deck and I smiled; a few minutes later a commercial on TV featured a Tripawd dog and I knew that Murphy was thinking of me too <3  He’s letting me know that he’s here and he’s happy.

So, Hoppy Ampuversary at the Bridge Sweet Murphy!


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2 Years At The Bridge

It’s hard to believe that 2 years have gone by already – some days it feels like just yesterday he was rolling over for belly rubs, and other days it feels like he’s been gone for so long that I don’t remember his moany groany self, or the sound of him hopping across the floor & plopping down.  He would lay in the hall and stick his face around the corner looking into the kitchen.  Or lay in the bathroom while I got ready for work in the morning.  I crack up because Cooper will do some of the exact same things Murphy used to do, lay in his favorite places, and I think “hmmm, is he telling you the best places?”

I’m sorry that I’m not here, in the forums like I used to be.  It’s so hard, harder than I thought it would be.  I can talk about wound care and medication management, but then I start to care and then there are losses again, and I just can’t.  I’m sorry.  Please know, though, than you can always message me <3

I’m still, as always, ever thankful for this place.  This place of love, of healing, of tears, of family.  Our “girl’s trip/Tripawd’s party” was full of love, remembering and relaxation.  It’s wonderful to spend time with people who I can just talk to about Murphy, and Cassie too, and not feel like it’s uncomfortable.  We can talk and cry and it’s ok.  We all travelled similar, if different, journeys.

always wanting a belly rub


Murphy & Cooper. both laying on the bathroom floor


up to no good 🙂


my “twin” Dobemom (Paula)


Sally with Myrtle & Frankie


The pain isn’t as sharp as it once was, but it’s still deep.  There will never be a duo such as Cassie & Murphy.




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4/4 Now It’s Just Another Day

4/4/13 seems like such a long time ago.  And for many, it was … most of you probably can’t remember exactly what you were doing that day, but I can.  I was working and waiting.  Waiting for news on how my sweet Murphy did through his surgery that made him a Tripawd.  I remember stepping into the OR hallway to take the call and talking to the doctor – Murphy did great, all went well, he was awake and we could come get him tomorrow.  I teared up a little, but I didn’t have time to cry because I had to get in to a C-section, I had a baby to help into this world!  I remember when I went to pick him up, I took my son with me because I was worried about the long drive home (MSU is about an hour & a half from home), and I kept wondering how we were going to get him into the car (although I figured the hospital probably had a cart or some way to get him there!)  Little did I know that Murphy was going to pull us all the way out to the car & jump in by himself!  And I didn’t have to worry about how Cassie & Max would be when we came home because they sniffed at him and went out side with him then let him be.  Yesterday was another busy day at work – lots more babies coming into this world, which is good – I didn’t have time to wallow in sadness, knowing that I don’t have reason anymore to celebrate Murphy’s Ampuversary.  Even though we were luckier than most and got to celebrate 4 amazing ampuversaries, it’s still hard not celebrating.  Every date is special – 1/15/06 was his birthday; 4/4/13 was his ampuversary; & 6/12/17 was when he crossed the Bridge.   Dates I can’t forget.

on our way home!


I missed you!


a favorite place to sleep

As always  … missing my boy <3


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What would I do without my friends?

There’s a group of us who met here a few years back and  we bonded.  We’ve bonded to the point where we talk pretty much every day, we vent to each other, we cry to each other, we support each other, and we just gab.  We know each other’s spouses, their family’s names, their other pets, their work schedules.  We’ve visited each other and we’ve vacationed together.  We’ve basically become sisters, spread out all across the country, and even across the Pond.  And there are many times that I think, wow, what would I do without them?  They are the first ones I turned to when we lost Murphy.  When we were thinking about adopting Cooper.  And when we lost Cassie.

This was our first Christmas without both Murphy and Cassie.  And even though Max and Cooper keep us entertained, it was difficult at times.  Last year we bought a special ornament to honor Murphy to put on our tree.  So this year on our trip to Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth, MI we bought an ornament for Cassie, too.   At Bronner’s they will personalize any ornament however you’d like.  You can order from them online, too, but not every ornament can be personalized and they will only do so many letters.  When you go in person, they will do any ornament that they sell, and write as much as they can fit.  I was a little sad as I hung Cassie & Murphy’s ornaments on our beautiful tree, along with so many other memories – trips we’ve taken, places we’ve been, my son growing up, our grandchildren – the normal memories.  Well, 2 days later I came home from work and our beautiful tree was on the floor!   The dogs weren’t responsible (this time they’re innocent!) because they were behind a gate in the hallway.  The cats could have been responsible, but I don’t think so – my tribe thinks that it just “fainted.”  Yep, that’s the conclusion – we bought a fainting tree!  I had to wait for Glenn to get home, then my son helped us to get it back up.  After an hour of struggling it still ended up a bit crooked, and there was a mess on the floor.  Maybe 15-20 ornaments were broken – but  the one that hurt the most was Murphy’s special ornament 🙁  I immediately got online to cry to my tribe about it.  I looked to see if I could order a new one, but there’s a character limit, so it wouldn’t be the same.  And the town is a couple hour drive from here, so we weren’t going to be able to make it back up there before Christmas.  sigh … Well, the next morning one of my angels messaged me not to order it, because she already did!  She looked up the company and called them and ordered it to be just the way it was <3  I cried.  And this evening, when I got home from work, Murphy’s new ornament is here, it’s perfect, and I cried again.

Cooper   &    Max

Fainting tree!


These sisters are amazing.  And I’m thankful that we came together through Tripawds.






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