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2 Years At The Bridge

It’s hard to believe that 2 years have gone by already – some days it feels like just yesterday he was rolling over for belly rubs, and other days it feels like he’s been gone for so long that I don’t remember his moany groany self, or the sound of him hopping across the floor & plopping down.  He would lay in the hall and stick his face around the corner looking into the kitchen.  Or lay in the bathroom while I got ready for work in the morning.  I crack up because Cooper will do some of the exact same things Murphy used to do, lay in his favorite places, and I think “hmmm, is he telling you the best places?”

I’m sorry that I’m not here, in the forums like I used to be.  It’s so hard, harder than I thought it would be.  I can talk about wound care and medication management, but then I start to care and then there are losses again, and I just can’t.  I’m sorry.  Please know, though, than you can always message me <3

I’m still, as always, ever thankful for this place.  This place of love, of healing, of tears, of family.  Our “girl’s trip/Tripawd’s party” was full of love, remembering and relaxation.  It’s wonderful to spend time with people who I can just talk to about Murphy, and Cassie too, and not feel like it’s uncomfortable.  We can talk and cry and it’s ok.  We all travelled similar, if different, journeys.

always wanting a belly rub


Murphy & Cooper. both laying on the bathroom floor


up to no good 🙂


my “twin” Dobemom (Paula)


Sally with Myrtle & Frankie


The pain isn’t as sharp as it once was, but it’s still deep.  There will never be a duo such as Cassie & Murphy.




~ by midnighter94 on June 13, 2019 .

9 Responses to “2 Years At The Bridge”

  1.   dobemom Says:

    It’s as if I sat down and wrote this…putting into words that which is almost unexplainable. I’ve said it many times….I’m SO GLAD I got to meet Murphy – and you – that long-ago day in Chicago at the Puppy Up Walk. He was so happy, and smiley, and wiggly – everyone going through this journey should have the opportunity to meet a warrior like Murphy! To show them the beautiful miracle he was…to show them that life on 3 legs CAN be a wonderful and happy life…to show them there ARE success stories here in this place of so much sorrow and loss.

    And it IS hard to come back here as often as we should, hard to get invested in the new ones just starting this journey, hard to mourn with those whose dogs have lost the battle of this horrible disease. I sincerely hope these new members experience a little of what we did back then – when total strangers became friends, and then family.

    Love you, my friend…my sister!

    Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

  2.   Michelle Says:

    I am so glad I got to meet Murphy at Puppy Up a few years ago. That was a blast and I am surprised Murphy didn’t end up with a Tummy ache that night from all the pizza bones he had.

    We didn’t even say hi to you at the door just greeted Murphy first and then you and Glenn. I am glad we got to know each other.

    These days are tough. You are right about the pain not being as sharp but still deep. I don’t think that ever goes away.

    Our family vacations are the best. The days we spent hours in chat getting to know each other, then the epic VA party and it just blossomed from there. Each laugh and memory is a true treasure. The tears of sharing is great too.

    Thinking of you on this sad and memorable day

    Michelle & Angels Sassy & Bosch

  3.   benny55 Says:

    So many wonderful memories shared by you and Paula and Michelle too! Even though I never met Murphy in person, I did get to KNOW him and I felt as thoughI DID met him! I got to sit on the sidelines and cheer as these beautiful memories were made😊
    And there was soooo much to cheer about for those four years and for the ongoing years where Murphy continues to inspire and give hope. Murphy truly is a Lefend here and Legends never “die”. With Murphy ‘s legacy of hope, of possibilities,
    he continues to empower and inspire.

    Murphy has earned his Hall of Fame reputation and continues to touch lives with his reputation. Not just his reputation for beating that piece of s××t disease, but for his engratiating smilr and warm and welco personality!🤗

    Ann, of course he brought you to us to share your wisdom, your know and your willingness to play Cards Against Humanity no matter how tired you were!!

    Have a great celebration at the Bridge Murphy! You have sone wonderful doggy friends to celebrate with! And because of you and all pur Bridge occupants, we have wonderful friends to celebrate you here on earth!😎

    Oh, and your Hooman is so silly about feeling bad about not being kn rhe xute! So silly! You both are here even when uou aren’t!! Say whaaaat??? Yes, we mention you sooo often when someone needs a little boost of hope!! And we quote uour mom a lot about meds and modalities and stuff like that!! You both trained us well! So yeah, you are both present all the time!!

    Lots of love to all!
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    Ps…. the pics are great Donna!❤ And yes, Cooper is still being taught by Murphy about all his favorite spots and tricks❤

  4.   jerry Says:

    Donna my friend, you need not apologize for a single thing. It is totally understandable about the difficulty in being here when it reminds you so much of your own losses. Please, don’t apologize. By starting Murphy’s blog and sharing his story, you continue helping others even when you are not here. It will always remain as a beacon of hope to others.

    I can’t believe it’s been two years myself. Your boy’s adorable spirit is so strong, it will never, ever fade.

    Lots of love coming your way, now and always.


  5.   lisaharvey Says:

    Hi, can I ask a slightly unusual question? I am in awe that Murphy did so well with histiocytic sarcoma. Can I ask what wormer he was on? The reason I ask is that there have been some papers recently about a certain worker having anti cancer properties.
    Thank you,
    Lisa, Artys mum

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