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The snow is gone already!

20160308_163643Just 2 days ago I had to make Murphy come in because he insisted on laying outside in the snow just watching the neighborhood. And today it hit 71! He really loved being out there today 🙂 All of the snow that was on the ground is completely gone. It’s been such a strange winter in Michigan this year.

~ by midnighter94 on March 9, 2016 .

5 Responses to “The snow is gone already!”

  1.   otisandtess Says:

    Way to go Murphy!

  2.   mom2shelby Says:

    Enjoy the early spring!!!!

  3.   benny55 Says:

    Murphy loves everything about nature and she’s letting you know it! And most importantly, he’s feeling good and letting you know it! 🙂

    Keep on rocking Murphy! You’re doing great!!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    •   midnighter94 Says:

      The goofball will lay out there in the cold sometimes for so long! I get worried that he’s going to get frost bite! lol The crew almost got a squirrel the other day – it jumped off the pool deck railing trying to get to the tree (about 10 feet away), but it missed .. the winds probably didn’t help! It landed on the ground right underneath Max!! Popped right up and flew up the tree!

  4.   benny55 Says:

    Note to Squirrel! You better stay off Murphy’s deck! Yiu think because he has three legs he can’t move as fast, right? .Murphy’s just lulling you I to a false sense of security so Max can pounce on you while you’re focused on Murphy!

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